Security and compliance
Privacy and security matter to PeerStreet
PeerStreet is a company that takes your data security and privacy seriously. It is our top priority to deliver enterprise-level security and compliance, protecting your (and your customers’) privacy, every step of the way.

You can trust that PeerStreet is using industry-wide best practices, the principle of least privilege, and heightened security frameworks to ensure our products and processes are protecting our customers’ information.

We’re doing this by regularly testing our infrastructure and applications to identify and fix vulnerabilities. We also work with third-party specialists and trained security teams to maintain the safety of customer information. Personally identifiable information is encrypted or tokenized.

PeerStreet regularly undergoes
third-party audits for adherence to system and organization control standards.

PeerStreet complies with all applicable laws and with industry-standard security measures, regarding data security. We perform annual assessments of our security framework and our staff is required to regularly undergo security training and is tested for readiness to threats.

All internal systems require a multi-factor login to access any customer information, and activities are logged and analyzed for any anomalous activity. All personnel who handle customer data must successfully complete a criminal background check.

PeerStreet only shares customer data as authorized by customers pursuant to PeerStreet’s Privacy Policy (Information We Share With Others) or as otherwise required by law.

In the event of a security incident, we’ll notify our customers of an incident as soon as possible, but no later than twenty-four hours after we become aware of it.

SOC 2 Compliance

SOC 2 compliance means we protect our customers’ highly sensitive data and information. Our customers can rest assured that our security procedures are robust and thoroughly tested.

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